E-Learning - The right way to go?

Despite the fact that in today's era it is all about technology and going e-learning, in actual fact I am not really supportive about this idea, especially when it is being implemented in primary schools. In one of the news report, one of the ministers had been quoted saying that in Chinese learning today it is more important that the students know how to recognise the words rather than to write them. Therefore, using e-learning for characters recognition is the more effective method even for those who are weak in chinese. However, I beg to differ. This is because what is the point of learning if one does not know how to write? It is just like asking one to recognise English words but is unable to write or type them out, which then defeats the purpose of learning. The purpose of learning should be to allow one to be to apply the knowledge effectively.
Furthermore, I do not feel that just by looking at a simple screen n clicking the cursor one would benefit much from it. This is because during my primary school days, there were lessons where my teacher actually used the cds to aid in our learning. This was suppose to be in line with the trend of e-learning. However, I have absolutely no idea on what I was learning or rather what I am suppose to gain from the activity. The whole thing was merely a game to me than involves the cursor.
Besides, e-learning also meant the involvement of learning and working on the computer, with notes and all done online. Although this meant that one has greater accessibilty and convenience, one has to bear in mind that the computer is afterall just a gadget. Therefore, if the gadget actually turns faulty, than it would mean "doomsday" for one. This is because one would not have access to one's notes, and there is almost nothing one can do other than waiting for the gadget to be repaired.
Moreover, in some cases it is easier to learn and do work using papers rather than using the computers. This is in fact an opinion that I heard from a group of teenagers' conversation. They commented that it is easier to get things done via pen and paper rather than having to type them. This is something that I can understand, as can you imagine having to do math or chemistry online? I had experienced that, and with all the symbols that one would have to find a way to type them on the screen, it would perhaps be much easier and faster to just write them down. Moreover, with the notes in hand they can actually revise their work almost anywhere, rather than having to carry a laptop around, hoping that the battery does not go flat anytime soon.
In conclusion, in my opinion, e-learning should not be the focus of today's way of education but serve as a extra access for students to attain more information from.
Yes, i agree that e-learning is not the most efficient way for one to gain knowledge, as learning should be about both gaining and applying them.
However, if we look at today's younger generation, they do not have the same form of interest and the spirit of "keen to learn" as how we did in the past. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why e-learning is now being promoted in schools as it is more interesting than just a piece of paper with notes all over it.
Ziz, At
February 6, 2010 at 12:46 PM
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