Blog vs Vlog

By now, everyone should be well aware of what a blog is.
Basically a blog is "...a journal that is available on the web...Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. Postings on a blog are almost always arranged in cronological order with the most recent additions featured most prominantly."
- Enzer.
Today, blogs can also be used to earn revenues. Xiaxue, is the local popular blogger who managed to earn her revenues through blogging and posting advertorials on her site.
Despite all the craze about blogging, I do not understand the point of having a journal on the web and allowing it to be available to everyone and anyone on the internet to have access to it. This is because isn't journal suppose to be a personal thing. However, why is it now that one is allowing everyone even those whom one does not know personally to read about one's daily life.
Almost everyone should be well aware of what blogging is, but how many people actually know about vlogging. Vlogging is in fact the short form for video blogging. As the name suggests, the medium is video, and it is a form of Internet television.
Video blogs actually take advantage of the web syndication to allow the distribution of video over the internet via the usage of RSS or Atom syndicaition formats, for automatic aggregation and playback on mobile devices and personal computers.
The surge in vlogging began in 2005, and the most popular video sharing site is, YouTube.
In fact, even radio stations and television stations are now using vlogging as a way of increasing the interaction between them and the listeners and viewers.
In my opinion, vlogging is an interesting way of expressing yourself. This is because through the use of videos the viewers are able to clearly understand your current thoughts and feelings as they are able to hear you and see your facial expressions, unlike plain blogging. Hence, in a way, you are able to bring the viewers into your world more easily as compared to blogging. Furthermore, I feel that it would be more interesting to visit sites that contain more emotions.
Although through blogging, you are able to type out your current thoughts and feelings, but due to the fact that different reader interpret the same posting differently, it might be difficult for them to give you an accurated feedback or comment.
Blogs and Vblogs are great...unless you choose to be skeptical and critical about them(?)
Personally I believe that, as great a source of information and leisure they are for us, they reflect the a certain nature of our society today...
Have we developed to an age where people have to resort to posting controversial\juicy stories about themselves of other people in order to receive some acknowledgement?
From personal experiences, most of the blogs I read usually contain negative stories revolving about a certain person's life. Fortunately (or unfortunately) these experiences don't really matter to the person; sometimes he or she just needs some attention. And it's not the kind of attention that comes in the form of comfort or encouragement. Sometimes they just need to know that there are people out there who acknowledges their existance.
Very often, blogs do not reflect the true thought processes of my friends. In fact some of them thank me for noticing that there're much deeper revelations underneath those superficial entries they post tirelessly everyday. People just need people, and if blogs are a way of "connecting" people, why not?
Food for thought. =D
Samuel, At
January 30, 2010 at 12:19 PM
I agree with you that vlog is a much better to express your thoughts and feelings. However, it is also important to know that exposing your real appearance means that there will be less privacy and this increases the risk of cyber-stalking.
This might explain why blogs are more popular among bloggers. It is good in the sense that they will be more honest with what they feel from the bottom of their heart. At the same time bloggers can choose whether to expose their real identity.
AmandaCWL, At
January 30, 2010 at 12:45 PM
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