Future of the Internet

The above link is the access to one of the Bebo's member profile, which is opened to the public. Thus, one does not have to be a Bebo member to view his profile, just like that of Facebook. From his profile, one could actually make the comparison and see the contrast on how the page is displayed compared to Facebook.
This may not be truly surprising to one as when it comes to technology, Singapore can be said to be one of the most improvised country so as to keep up with the pace of other technologically-advanced countries such as Japan, United States, and also with the number of MNCs set up here. Furthermore, there were reports saying that Singapore aims to be a technology hub, and the introduction of e-learning in schools. This serves to prove the above statement about our global profile and affluence.
In addition, with every company having operated via the computers and internet, and business deals done via emails, webcam and documentated on the desktop, it is easy to understand why we are most vulnerable to such crimes. This is because not every user is aware of the key security factors to look out for when doing any transactions or deals online but almost every user would know how to make a online deal or transaction with a click of the "mouse".
Besides, in the article it also stated that MessageLabs block out 3 times more malicious domains for its Singapore domains than the global average. This again, goes to prove the vulnerability that Singapore's businesses might face with such high percentile of web threats.
Furthermore, with the introduction of e-learning in schools and also the point that most local children are introduced to the computers and internet at a very young age, it is no wonder that Singapore is the prime target.
Although these young users might be highly efficient in the usage of computers, they are also the easy targets of online criminals. This is because in my opinion, they would be less cautious than the older users due to the limited amount of information and exposure that they receive due to age limit, but are also the ones that spend great amount of time in front of the screen. Thus, they might simply click onto links which seem interesting to them or those that heightens their curiosity.
These illustrated that although computers and internet might aid in one's convenience but one must also be aware of the threats that it might pose.